

Culture Centre at Sloup in the Moravian Karst 49.4158019°N, 16.7373561°E


Official languages

Czech, English

Currency in CZK

The exchange rate for 1 EUR is approx. 24 CZK. The stated exchange rate is indicative only.
Please note: it is, unfortunately, not always possible to pay with a credit card or with EUR in small towns. Having this on mind, always carry sufficient amounts in Czech crowns with you.
CZK can be exchanged in bigger towns or in exchange offices.
There is no ATM at Sloup. The closest ATM is in Blansko or Jedovnice towns (ca 15 minutes driving).



The usual September temperatures in our country are staying around 20 °C (68 °F), although rainy weather may occur.The very reason for choosing this time of the year for the Meeting was the usual pleasant weather free of summer hot spells. Let us hope the plan will come off.